
My order

What happens aftrer I have placed an order?

After order, you will get an overview in your mailbox. Then Vinteria will contact your.

Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order up to 14 days after the day of the order.

See terms and conditions

Shipment cost

Rates for shipping

Please contact info@vinteria.be for the possibilities and associated costs.

- Packaging

- Insurance

- Delay

Send back your order

See terms and conditions

Please contact sales@vinteria.be

Your email adress

What happens with your email adress?

Please specify a valid email address. All system emails shall be sent to this email address. The email address shall not be made public and shall only be used if you want to request a new password or if you want to receive news or reminders through email.

Selling price


1) If you would like an invoice for your purchase, please contact Vinteria first.
2) Prices can be shown both incl. and excl. VAT on the website. For this we refer to the website. 
3) (*) VAT has already been paid on various wines (private bottles, indicated with (*)). If you still want an invoice for these wines, an additional 21% VAT will be due, on top of the stated amount.
4) For questions: sales@vinteria.be

Linked sales

Vinteria reserves the right to sell certain bottles only in combination with other bottles.


To be combined with other bottles (*)


VAT has already been paid on various wines (private bottles, indicated with (*)). If you still want an invoice for these wines, an additional 21% VAT will be due, on top of the stated amount.

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We thank you for notifying us of errors (spelling, grammar, operation, ...)
We strive to offer our webshop as accurately as possible.
With sincere thanks.